All the Music. . . .

Hoope Twinkles is built around Suzuki Repertoire "Play-Downs".  We start with advanced repertoire (book 7 or 8), and then add players as we go backward through the repertoire.  You'll find the list of pieces we've chosen for this year below, along with 3 other songs we want to play together. 


Below, you'll find 3 different pieces that you can learn to play with Hoope Twinkles this year: one for Thanksgiving, and two for Christmas.  Below that is the list of Suzuki songs and pieces we'll be playing in our Play-Downs.

"Praise and Thanksgiving" is an easy Thanksgiving round.  You can download it by clicking the button below. There are parts for easy violin, harder violin, viola and cello. Please memorize it! 

Of course, Christmas is not far off, so Jingle Bells will be appropriate!  Here's the melody, for violin, viola or cello.  If you are in Book 1, and haven't learned Etude yet, you'll want to play only the chorus (where the words say "Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells."

And "We Wish You a Merry Christmas!"  The top part is for Violin, the middle one for Viola, and the bottom one for Cello. These are melody parts, in the Key of D (using D-string notes).  If you want harmony parts, email Mrs. Francisco.

Suzuki Play-down Repertoire List

These are the Suzuki pieces that we will be playing as a "Play-Down." We'll start with the hardest pieces, then add players as we go down the list. Jump in as soon as you know the pieces!

We will not play all of these at every play-down--there simply isn't enough time! But we'll play them all sometime during the day, along with Twinkle, and the 3 songs linked above

Violin Pieces

Book 8

Eccles Sonata, 1st and 2nd mvmts

Book 7

Corelli Courante

Mozart Minuet

Book 6

Rameau Gavotte

Fiocco Allegro

La Folia

Book 5

Bach Double

Veracini Gigue

Country Dance

Unaccompanied Gavottes

Book 4

Bach Double

Bohm Perpetual Motion

Vivaldi a minor concerto, 1st mvmt

Book 3

Bach Gavottes in D major

Martini Gavotte

Book 2

Lully Gavotte
Hunter's Chorus

Chorus from Judas Maccabeus

Book 1

Gossec Gavotte
Minuet 1
Perpetual Motion in A or D
Allegro in A or D
Long, Long Ago in A or D
O Come, Little Children in A or D
Go, Tell Aunt Rhody in A or D
Song of the Wind in A or D

Bunny Ballads by K. Spring

Viola  Pieces

Book 5

Nina (Pergolesi)

Book 4

Seitz Concerto No. 5, 1st mvmt

Telemann Viola Concerto, 1st/2nd mvmts

Book 3

Bach Gavottes in G major


Martini Gavotte

Book 2

Lully Gavotte
Hunter's Chorus

Chorus from Judas Maccabeus

Book 1

MInuet 1

Bohemian Folk Song

Perpetual Motion

Long, Long Ago
O Come, Little Children
Go, Tell Aunt Rhody
Song of the Wind

French Folk Song

Bunny Ballads by K. Spring


Cello Pieces

Book 4

Chanson Triste

Book 3

Webster Scherzo

Bach Gavotte in c minor

La Cinquantaine

Book 2

Chorus from Judas Maccabeus

Bach Gigue


Book 1

May Time


Perpetual Motion

Long, Long Ago
O Come, Little Children
Go, Tell Aunt Rhody
Song of the Wind

French Folk Song

Bunny Ballads by K. Spring

and ALWAYS, we'll play Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star! Every hour, on the hour, we'll "Twinkle" :-)

sometimes starting on A, sometimes starting on D, sometimes both. . . !

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